Your website is about to go pro

Leverage our expertly designed search engine optimization audit to help you unlock your website's full ROI potential and provide your business with an in-depth action plan.


Your website is rife with hidden ROI killers

Most companies are unaware of the hundreds of potential ROI killers hidden in their website's code, structure, and messaging. Considering all the factors that make up an underperforming website, you could be losing half of all your website's visitors and destroying your return on investment.

Identify underperforming metrics

Identify underperforming metrics

Bounce rate, on average, squanders 30% of the money and effort you invest in lead generation, and that's just the loss from your website's load speed. Exposing these issues is your key to unlocking your website's full potential as a revenue-generating asset.

Slow Load Speeds

Keyword Stuffing

Weak Call to Action

Plus 100s more!

Your WP Guy  Is your competitive advantage

Your WP Guy Is your competitive advantage

Use our 20-point SEO audit to identify ROI killers and develop a plan of attack.

Improving your company's digital marketing ROI is your mission. You know what to do- identify inefficiencies and develop an improvement plan. You know how to do it- leverage the customized, insightful SEO Audit by Your WP Guy. Our team is your guide to identifying hidden ROI killers and learning how to eliminate them.

  • 20-point SEO audit
  • Competitor analysis
  • Keyword mapping
  • Local ranking
  • Landing pages
  • Plus more!
Join our growing list of satisfied clients

Join our growing list of satisfied clients


Take the easy first step toward a more effective, revenue-generating website

Set up a consultation today with our team of optimization experts- it's quick, easy, and free! We'll use what we've learned about your business needs to offer you a fully customized audit and detailed action plan for your company's website.



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